This is an excellent piece of program which gives you an view of what is going on your Windows computer. Starts from Who is logged in What was the time last logged in, Hardware Details, Printers installed, Software installed, Microsoft hot fix using latest Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary released on that time. There is new feature include it scans your current network and displays the IP, MAC, device information and device role such as Web Server etc., Above all it gives a gist of CIS Benchmark score for the system.
I rate this FREE PERSONAL use software as 5 out of 5
If you are using Internet Explorer 8.0 you can save the web page profile report to your computer by clicking on the page icon that is located on the menu bar near the top, and to the left of the blue colored help icon, then click on Save As. You have several file types you can save the report as.
I have used Belarc Advisor for many years and find it beneficial.
I rate this FREE PERSONAL use software as 5 out of 5
I have used Belarc Advisor for many years and find it beneficial.
what does it do?