Belarc Advisor

Belarc Advisor

Belarc Advisor is a tool that can analyze your computer

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Belarc Advisor is a tool that can analyze your computer in a very detailed manner. The best thing about this program is that it does not need to send your computer profile or details to any external server to perform the analysis, thus safeguarding your privacy.Belarc Advisor is a completely free tool that can analyze your computer in a very detailed manner.

The best thing about this program is that it does not need to send your computer profile or details to any external server to perform the analysis, thus safeguarding your privacy. It is very easy to use, as you only need to run the executable file provided and in a few seconds you will have a complete detailed HTML report up in your computer's default browser.

The analysis covers various aspects, such as the software installed and the version used, a virus protection status, a Microsoft Security update status, details about your operating system, and detailed information on your system’s hardware (including processor, motherboard, drives, memory, etc.). It also analyzes a number of network computers and devices, such as printers attached to the network.

When network devices and computers are present, it also enables you to find more about a physical address. While checking the versions of each software tool, it will also give you a complete report on the usage of each software application, letting you know when each was last used. Finally, it is important to note that it can give you highly indicative information about missing or installed security fixes for Microsoft products.

This tool is highly interactive, and even a novice user can easily understand the findings. With just one click, you can access Belarc’s website and receive guidance on hot fixes, which are currently available for the computer under analysis. The free license is only for personal use, and should not be engaged in corporate usage.


  • Easy to use
  • Detailed information provided
  • Helps finding security updates from Microsoft's site


  • Some of the advanced features require a server connection
This program received 13 awards
This software was checked for viruses and was found to be clean. Click here to see antivirus report.
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Belarc, Inc.
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Dyna 7 years ago

I have used this program on several computers and always was able to make a solid upgrade decision , based on the suggestions.

Brian 13 years ago

Excellent Diagnostic Info

Guest 14 years ago

Just awesome! Every PC need this!

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